Roomba Scheduler feature is a dustbin detector
The new Roomba Scheduler robotic vacuum feature announced this week turns out to be a light on the dustbin that lets users know that they should empty it because it is full. Useful? Yes. Revolutionary? No. Will anybody junk their old Scheduler to rush out to upgrade? No, unless they just have to have a black Roomba. Will any gizmo and gadget reviewers feel compelled to write new Roomba reviews because of the upgrade? Doubtful. What Roomba customers wanted wasn't a dust detector -- they wanted a Roomba with dock that cleans itself. But that'll probably have to wait a year or so for the next generation. For now, think of the new Roomba feature as the equivalent of a baby crying to let you know it needs changing. Who says robots are not becoming more human? :)
The new Programmable Roomba Robotic Floor Vacuum With Dust Bin Alert is sold exclusively at Hammacher Schlemmer, the premier catalog which provides a lifetime guarantee with all of its products. The upgraded Roomba Scheduler sells for $329.99, the same as the existing Scheduler. Shipping is free with coupon code VISAON06. For cheaper Roombas, check out our Roomba Buyers Guide (Refurb Schedulers are $175).